CBDCs are an attempt to use the underlying design of Bitcoin but with a centralized administration, therefore they are as dangerous as any central control mechanism that is being devised by globalists and elites, including digital ID, AI, and cloud services, among others.

Blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic are truly decentralized, permissionless, and censorship resistant, and have no central administration or control, therefore they guarantee our basic rights without the possibility of governments of corporations intervening in our private affairs (namely our payments and apps) or tampering with our accounts, balances, or decentralized apps.
The key invention of Bitcoin, that Ethereum Classic made better by adding programmability, was that the database, also called the “blockchain”, is replicated in many thousands of computers around the world. All the accounts and balances are inside that blockchain, therefore they all have a high level of redundancy that protects them from destruction either by natural events or man.
By adding programmability, Ethereum Classic is an upgrade of Bitcoin because it hosts decentralized software programs called “smart contracts”. Therefore, the accounts and balances of the cryptocurrency may be programmed and used with decentralized applications (or dapps) that may be from decentralized exchanges to property registries, where we buy, sell, and register our homes or cars, or even for buying groceries, gas, or donating money to your church or favorite cause.
Because in programmable blockchains, all the accounts of users, the decentralized applications, and all the activity of these economic transactions are inside and integrated in the same system, then all these transactions are replicated and transparent to all participating node operators (which will be the big banks around the world in the case of CBDCs), and the accounts, the money, and the services are “composable”.
Because composability plus transparency is very attractive to centralists who want to control things and people, then CBDC designers are planning to use these same technologies to actually monitor each transactions we do and intervene in the case they don’t like what we are doing.
Because of transparency and composability they can do this in real time, therefore they can cancel or block any activity we do they deem “bad for the environment”, “hate speech”, or “immoral” according to their world views.
For example, financial institutions are already collaborating with national security agencies to monitor who is buying Bibles, who is buying beef and gas to measure their “carbon footprint”, and they are monitoring who is buying ‘”MAGA” or “Trump” related products.
They will use the power of blockchain technology, that they will copy into their CBDCs, and control all these things to block us out of the economy if we don’t align with their ideologies or don’t comply with their decrees, including if we don’t get the vaccines of the day, or if we express opinions on social media they don’t like.
However, today’s archaic banking systems are all owned by the banks, they are separated in different data centers, thus not integrated, and not replicated everywhere as blockchains are. This means there is no transparency or the ability to act in real time to monitor and control users and consumers.
But, by imitating the design of Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic in their centrally controlled systems, then they gain the advantages of the blockchain (transparency and composability) but with their central control policies.
Add to this AI, machine learning, cloud, and big data computing, and they will have an enormous power on large swaths of the population.
CBDCs are the work of evil, very likely Satanic forces, and they are a Biblical prophecy as they will likely be used to implement the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:15-17.